This was the BYU Battle of the Bands 2010. Some good acts, some not so great. My favorite of the four didn't win, but maybe that's because the winning band sounded completely different from all the others. Oh well. Yeah that was a very long day of set-up. But obviously during the show it didn't require any of my attention as I was able to take this photos. Now if I can just remember the names of the bands to send them these pics. I remember one is Goodnight Annabelle. If you recognize any of these people, comment and let me know the band names.
A big thanks to the firefighters of the Provo Fire Department for letting me take their time and for their cooperation in making this series possible. And thank you for putting your lives on the line to save others.
So these are the first few images from a series entitled "Everyday Heroes." I wanted to focus on and do portraits of people who I feel are often overlooked or under-appreciated for what they do and their role in our society.